Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring is sprung

The weather has finally caught up with the calendar, and I've been enjoying walking places while stockpiling some vitamin D.

I'm woefully behind on blogging about my routine-breakers. Still doing 'em, but I don't feel like focusing on the writing.

Been reading a book about eating bugs. Purely from curiosity; not something I'm planning to do myself!


  1. I favor the crunky sirloin are the best. Oh, make that "crunchy".

  2. Hey listen... if you've been posting regularly about routine breakers, and then you stop for a while, isn't that *itself* a routine breaker? It's all good!

  3. You know, I would totally eat bugs! I would!! So if you ever really want to try it I would do it with you:) In fact, I did eat a fried locust once on a dare...

  4. I know a good story about a dead roach (and no, it was not MY roach), but that's probably not the same as crickets and locusts.

  5. That book sounds so interesting!
